Archive | June 9, 2013

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Ciate’s making MORE chocolate nail polish removers??

Oh my god as if I don’t already have enough of a finger-licking, nail-biting problem! Siigggghhhh. The full range: White Chocolate. Orange Chocolate. Dark Chocolate. Mint Chocolate. I tried buying them as soon as I saw the flyer in my email, but the website currently prices them at £0.00 and I can’t add them to […]

Achey Achey Tummy :(

‘Peen-peen’, she said. Hah. GotD: Persona 3 Portable Eyecandy: Criminal Minds S06 The boy and I went to a marvelous restaurant two nights ago that specializes in cheese-based food that you’d usually find in the Alps. It was gorgeous. Here, have a sample: and we went there because I said to him, I feel like something strong […]